Jewelry Types

There are numerous types of jewelry, each with its own symbolism and history. The following are some of the most popular types of jewelry:

  • Necklaces
  • Rings
  • Bracelets
  • Earrings
  • Anklets
  • Pins
  • Watches

Each of these jewelry types has its own distinct style and history. Many jewelry pieces, such as engagement rings, have symbolic meanings, while many other pieces are worn for fashion.

Different jewelry pieces are also classified according to their style, such as casual and formal wear. We'll go over the styles that are appropriate for different occasions and how to update your look with the right jewelry.

Materials are one of the most challenging aspects of jewelry design (both for fine jewelry and fashion jewelry). There are numerous jewelry material categories, and it is critical that all buyers understand the various material options.

Here are some of the most common materials you'll come across.

Metals of various types are used to make jewelry. The most popular metals are gold and silver. Gold is soft and malleable in its natural state. However, more alloys are added to gold to increase durability.

The natural yellow color of gold is associated with luxury. However, different alloys can be added to change the color of gold, such as copper to create rose gold.

Silver is a popular metal as well. Because silver is soft and malleable, various alloys are added to create sterling silver.

Platinum, bronze, brass, nickel, copper, stainless steel, pewter, titanium, tungsten, and wood are other popular jewelry metals and alloys.

Diamonds are the most precious gemstones. However, the type of diamond you purchase has an impact on its quality.